Athletic Participation

  • Welcome Student Athletes and Parents,

    This is a site where parents can find important information concerning the participation of their son or daughter in any of the Jackson High School sports programs. Student athletes will also find information concerning their registration and participation in the various sports programs. 

    In an effort to streamline the registration process, both parents and students will find a single location to complete all necessary forms.  This process will replace having to attend one Athletic Policy meeting each year.  Please return the completed Athletic Participation forms to your head coach or Monica Montgomery in the main office.

    As a student-athlete, we hope you enjoy your athletic experience at Jackson High School.  As a parent, we hope you enjoy supporting the team and your child. 

    To begin the registration process. please click on "My Resources" to the left.

    Go Bears!

    Dan Michel, Athletic Director

    Phone (330) 837-3501 ex 1404