My Home Page


    Thank you for visiting my website. I am excited about teaching you (students) and your son or daughter (parents/guardians), and I am confident this will be a wonderful year!

    I teach Accelerated English 9 and AP Research.  During the course of the year, please see Polaris for the current homework assignments, which will be updated weekly. Parents, please sit down with your child to view Polaris, as everything he or she needs to be successful will be available!

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions! My contact info is available on this site. Please know I am always here to help and cannot wait to work with each and every one of you. Education and working with students is my passion, and I don't take this responsibility and privilege lightly. 

    Thank you,

    Mrs. Carley Anne Barnes

    (330) 837-3501 X1182


    Also, follow JHS on Facebook!


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