French Clubs

    Ms. Heather Browne

    "To learn about the culture of the francophone world; to promote the study of French and give students a chance to use the language in a more relaxed environment."

    Fees: None

    Whenever there is a social event.

    Members must be a current student of French or have studied through the second semester of level IIl. Members must also participate in half of all the offered French club activities.
     Activities may include:
    French Holidays, French Dinner, French Films, Mardi Gras, Poetry readings, National French Week, Semaine de la francophonie

    La semaine de la Francophonie:

    lundi:  movie in C301 at the HS starting at 3:30

    mardi: crepes in south cafeteria at JMMS starting at 3:00

    mercredi: learn about Cajun French at the HS starting at 3:00

    jeudi: music in 207 at JMMS starting at 4:00

    vendredi: trivia game in C301 at the HS  starting at 3:15

    French Websites: