- Jackson High School
- Spanish Club
Spanish Club
If you are interested in joining our club, please click here and fill out the google form by 9/20!
Your club dues are due by 9/20 to Señora Dria in C307. Cash or checks can be made out to Jackson Local Schools ($25.00).
Sign up for our Remind 101 account by texting @JHSSPANC TO 81010. This will be our main form of communication for event purposes (event locations, times, etc.)
Purpose of this club: To provide cultural and enriching activities to celebrate Hispanic heritage, history, culture and daily traditions in a relaxed and social atmosphere.
- Tentative schedule of activities for the year:
- We will not have regular monthly meetings.
- September 9/19 @ 7:00 pm: Soccer game @ the Netz Stadium
Come cheer the boys varsity equipo de fútbol as they take on St. Ignatius on Thursday, September 19th at 7:00 pm in the Netz Stadium
Entrance fee is $8 a ticket unless you have the All Season Sports Student Pass
Feel free to wear your favorite soccer team jersey!
Find the Spanish Club table to sign in and receive credit for this activity!
Also, the first 60 students to sign in and attend will get a special treat!
Just for attending, your name will be entered to win gift cards to El Rincón and Taco Bell. We hope to see you there!
- October (10/30): Día de los muertos celebration- Play Coco in the background and color Calaveras. Snack of churros con dulce de leche in the lecture hall from 4:30-7:30. You must stay for the whole activity to receive credit!
- November (11/14): Salsa night #1@ the Sauder elementary gym
- December (12/9 - Last day for collection)! Spanish Club and Adopt a Family are pairing up!
Attention Spanish Club Members - Would you like to help out with our annual adopt a family program for the holidays?If so, you can bring in new or gently used Christmas decorations (of any type) to Mrs. Hull's room (J117) from Monday, November 11th to Monday, December 9th. Decorations can include garland, ornaments, figurines, wreaths, Anything!Don't forget to sign your name on the sign in sheet to receive credit for this activity!This is an optional activity. It is not mandatory but anything that you bring counts towards one activity for Spanish club!¡Muchas gracias y felices fiestas a todos!
- January (1/14) from 3:30-5:00 in the side Commons: Reyes Magos Celebration - Holiday potluck and $5 gift exchange (with story) in the Commons-
- Come celebrate the Reyes Magos Celebration along with Spanish Club! Bring a Spanish dish (any type: appetizer, side dish, main dish, dessert) and a gift wrapped that's no more than $5 (if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange). We will enjoy delicious food, fellowship, we will learn about the Reyes Magos tradition and then we will do a fun activity in which everyone that brings a gift, gets to walk away with a little regalito. We hope that you can join us!
- Come celebrate the Reyes Magos Celebration along with Spanish Club! Bring a Spanish dish (any type: appetizer, side dish, main dish, dessert) and a gift wrapped that's no more than $5 (if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange). We will enjoy delicious food, fellowship, we will learn about the Reyes Magos tradition and then we will do a fun activity in which everyone that brings a gift, gets to walk away with a little regalito. We hope that you can join us!
- February (2/20): Salsa night #2 @ the Sauder elementary gym
- March (TBD): Movie night with chips and salsa (come in pjs and bring blankets) in the lecture hall
- April (TBD): Bingo with Spanish prizes in the Commons or lecture hall
- Membership: Club membership is open to all students currently enrolled in a Spanish class and to all exchange students
- Dues: $25.00 and they include the cost of your Spanish Club t-shirt. Cash or checks made out to Jackson Locals Schools are acceptable! Please turn in your money to C307 with your name on it by 9/20.
- Requirements: You must attend a minimum of 4 events in order to be recognized as an official member of Spanish Club!
- Advisor: Señora Dria (Room C307) - If you have any questions, don't hesitate to stop in and see me or email at ald2jc@jackson.sparc.org
Spanish Club is always looking for new ideas for club activities. If you have any ideas or speak Spanish and would like to collaborate with our club, please contact us!!!!
- Tentative schedule of activities for the year: