Locate all of your nonfiction and fiction books from the Jackson High School Library Catalog.
Access eBooks and audiobooks from the Overdrive digital library with your Bearworks username and password.
Access to all the Gale databases that JHS subscribes to, including the Student Resource Center, Opposing Viewpoints, Global Issues in Context and the Virtual Reference Library. |
Access articles from more than 6,000 magazines and newspapers are indexed, most in full text, from children's magazines to professional research journals.
Access individual INFOhio databases, including EBSCO, Biography Reference Bank, Literary Reference Center, Science Online and Worldbook.
Use Naviance to help you prepare for college and career, as well as to help provide you practice for AP tests and the ACT.
Access to the Stark County District Library catalog. The Jackson branch is directly across the street from us!
Learn about the high school Learning Commons and the services it provides the students at Jackson High School. |