Course Information

  • Creative Living Skills

    Course Syllabus

    1st Semester 2015-16


    Mrs. Stephanie Anderson                       (330) 837-3501 x 1523


                                                                                 JHS Teacher Web Page

    Get ready to experience a variety of hands on activities in this semester class!


    Resources: Classroom speakers, Internet websites, hands on activities,

                       demonstrations, cooking lab experiences, sewing machines &



    Required Items: pen/pencil, folder, paper, fabric and notions for sewing 

                                project, and 100% effort


    Grading: Student work and participation will be assigned a specific point value.  75% of the 9 week grade will include projects, labs, quizzes, and tests.  Class assignments and participation will comprise the 25% remaining balance. The JHS grading scale will be used accordingly:        90-100   A

                         80-89     B

                         70-79     C

                         60-69     D

                          0-59      F


    Semester Topics:

    Introduction Activities

    Plastic Canvas

    Food Safety and Sanitation

    Food Preparation/Nutrition

    Sewing Safety and Terminology

    Sewing Construction

    Community Service