- Jackson High School
Welcome to my English class! This will be my twenty-fifth year of teaching and my twelfth year at Jackson High School, where I teach JSA Accelerated English 10, Accelerated English 10, and Mystery, Suspense, Thriller English 12.
All class information will be posted in Polaris.I am looking forward to helping you further your critical thinking skills and applying those skills in analyzing literature and nonfiction texts, in developing ideas in your compositions, and formulating valid arguments in discussions.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns by emailing me at dlr2jc@jackson.sparcc.org or by calling me at (330) 837-3501 extension 1158. I will be sure to respond promptly.
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All writing, unless others noted, will be submitted to turnitin.com. Failure to do so will result in a zero.