Health Screenings

  • As required by Ohio law, the school nurses perform various health screenings throughout the year. 

    Vision and hearing screenings will be completed for all kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade students.  Screenings are also performed for all new students to the district, regardless of grade.  Please note: we do not notify parents of screening results unless a referral is necessary; at which time, a letter will be mailed home with corresponding documenation. 

    Scoliosis screenings are performed for all 6th and 8th grade students in the Spring.  Parents/guardians have the option to refuse scoliosis screening for their child.  An exemption form must be completed and returned to the school nurse or a signed note may be submitted to the school nurse.  Please note: we do not notify parents of screening results unless a referral is necessary; at which time, a letter will be mailed home corresponding documenation. 

    At this time, the school district has filed a waiver opting out of the Body Mass Index (BMI) screening requirements.

    Notifications of upcoming screenings will be posted on the website as dates become available.