What is a School Counselor?

  • School Counselors are a type of 'helper' at school.

    School Counselors serve as a bridge between home, school, and the community.

    School counselors are good listeners and have lots of strategies to suggest for different issues. Whether it’s a problem at school or home, a problem with your friends, or a personal issue that you’re dealing with, I will help the best I can!

    I am a resource for students, families, and teachers. 

    Some topics I may talk to students, parents, and staff about:

    friendship     social skills     behavior    feelings     bullying     hygiene     new baby

    tattling     lying     homework     safety     anger     caring     manners     family moving

    separation/divorce     illness/death/loss     accepting others     self-esteem

    differences     honesty     respect      responsibility     trust     attendance

    and much more . . .  

     Confidentiality - All information will be kept confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the student or others or when legal requirements (court order) demand that confidential information be revealed. 

    Note: Jackson Local email is publicly owned and is not confidential.