The Fish Philosophy and Kelso's Choices


    FISH! For Schools helps educators build stronger relationships with students. It will inspire students to want to learn and reinvigorate staff who went into education to make a positive difference for kids.

    At Strausser Elementary, we are working hard to help students understand the 4 parts of The Fish Philosophy. Not only are we teaching it to them, but we are living it ourselves.

    To learn more about The Fish Philosophy For Schools, visit their website at:


    We are also teaching the children about Kelso's Choices. This conflict-management curriculum for elementary students is based on the premise that every child is capable of becoming a peacemaker. This program offers nine options students can choose from to resolve minor conflicts on their own. Students will be able to determine the difference between minor problems they can handle and serious problems that require an adult’s help. We ask the students if they have tried two of Kelso's choices before involving an adult for the little problems. Big problems are, of course, handled immediately.



                                 Kelso Choice Wheel