Kindergarten Information


                During kindergarten, the children are learning many new things about school and their classroom.  This may be the first experience for some children to walk in a line, eat lunch in the cafeteria, work in centers, or interact with their peers. We spend a great deal of time helping your child become familiar with the rules and routines of their new environment.  As parents, your influence on your child’s learning is very powerful.  We would like to provide you with information about the skills your child is learning.  These skills will be assessed throughout the following nine weeks.


    Skill:  Recite telephone number with area code

    Suggested Activity: 

    -          Write your telephone number with a pencil on paper or with shaving cream on a table.


    Skill:  Recite address with house number, street name, city, state and

     zip code

    Suggested Activity: 

    -          Sing your address to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”


    Skill:  Prints first name

    Suggested Activity:  

    -          Begin at the left side.  Only the first letter is an upper-case letter.


    Skill:  Identify the letters and sounds: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k,l,m,n,o,r,s,t,u,

    Suggested Activity: 

    -          Circle or highlight the letters in a newspaper or magazine.

    -          Look for letters while riding in the car.


    Skill:  Sorts objects by color, size and shape

    Suggested Activity:

    -          Sort your toys.

    -          Sort cereals that come in shapes (Lucky Charms, Trix…)

    -          Find items in your home that are circles, triangles, squares or rectangles.


    Skill:  Recognizes the high frequency words:  a, I, see, like, to, go, the, my

    Suggested Activity:  

    -          Point out the words in books. 

    -          Make flashcards with index cards. 

    -          Spell words with magnetic letters. 

    -          Write or copy the words on white boards or with sidewalk chalk.


    Skill:  Counts objects 0-10

    Suggested Activity: 

    -          Count toys, blocks, or objects.


    Skill:  Recognizes numerals 0-10

                Suggested Activity:

    -          Find numbers on license plates while riding in the car.

    -          Review flashcards.

    -          Highlighter Hunt- Look for numbers in the newspaper and highlight them.


    Skill:  Recites the days of the week

    Suggested Activity:

    -          Look on the calendar for the days.

    -          Practice singing the days of the week.  Some songs are listed below.

         Every Week (to the tune of Are You Sleeping?)

                                              Every week has 7 days,

                                              See how many can you say.

                                              Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,

                                              Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

                                              Saturday.  What’s today?


                         Days of the Week (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

                                              Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.

                                              Wednesday, Thursday just for you.

                                              Friday, Saturday, that’s the end.

                                              Now let’s say those days again!

                                              Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!


    Throughout the school year, your child will also be evaluated on his or her work habits and social growth.  The following behaviors will marked on the progress reports as well.


    Work habits and social growth:  

    • Talks at appropriate times

                            Our expectation: When the teacher is talking the children should be listening.

    • Listens attentively

    Our expectation:  Children should be able to listen to a story without interrupting and they should give the reader full attention.


    • Follows directions

    Have your child follow a 2 or 3 step direction:  Get dressed, eat breakfast & then brush your teeth.


    • Stays on task

    Have your child complete a project without being distracted from the task.


    -          Begins and ends work in a timely manner


    Have your child complete a project in a 10 or 15 minute time period.


    • Strives for quality work

    Our expectation:  The children should take their time and do their best.  (Use more than one color when coloring a paper.)


    • Cleans up after projects

    Our expectation:  The children are responsible for putting away materials after using them.


    • Works independently

    Our expectation: The children should be able to complete assignments without constant supervision.


    • Works cooperatively with others

    Our expectation: The children should share, take turns and demonstrate good manners.


    • Follows classroom and school rules

    Our expectation: The children will follow classroom rules and school discipline policy.


    • Demonstrates respect for people and property

    Our expectation:  The children should treat others kindly and demonstrate good manners.


    • Demonstrates self-control

    Our expectation:  The children should follow our established rules and be able to use self control to help make our classroom a safe learning environment.